Ph.d. netværksmøde: Forskningskarriere efter ph.d.

Dear all

We have a second network meeting 16 Juni 13-15. The theme for the next meeting is considerations about the working life after a ph.d. We have invited former ph.d.-students to hear about their carrier after their ph.d.

We have made the following plan. We hope to see as many as possible.

  • Welcome and intro
  • Research career after PhD
    • Pernille Sunde 20 min.
    • Louise Meier Carlsen 20 min.
    • Questions to Pernille and Louise
    • Breakout rooms + joint follow-up of presentations 40 min.
  • Information about NCUM event 23 + 24 November in Odense
  • Information on writing workshop 12 January 9-16 + possible evening event the day before

Best wishes

Andreas, Stine and Maria

d. 16. juni
kl: 13.00-15.00
Mødet foregår online på Teams. Har du ikke fået en invitation kan du kontakte Maria Møller på

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