The scientific program

The complete program for NORMA 24 is now available in electronic form via the following link:

The scientific program will illuminate the theme of the conference through four plenary lectures by prominent researchers in mathematics education, a plenary panel session with early carrier researchers and contributions from the participants.

The time table for NORMA 24 (tentative) can be found here.

The plenary activities can be found here.

Conference participants can contribute to the scientific program within the five format described below. In all cases, for submissions to to be  reviewed, the following six elements must be addressed (even if the results, conclusions, or findings are not complete or final at the time of the submission):

  1. Objective/s or purpose/s of the research
  2. Perspective(s) or theoretical framework
  3. Methods, techniques, or modes of inquiry
  4. Data sources, evidence, objects, or materials
  5. Results and/or substantiated conclusions or warrants for arguments/points of view
  6. Scientific or scholarly significance of the study or work
  1. Regular Papers to be presented in parallel sessions (40 minutes: 20 minutes for presentation and 20 minutes for discussion). Format for submission: 8-page papers to be peer reviewed and published in the conference proceedings.
  1. Symposia to be presented in parallel sessions (90 minutes). A symposium provides an opportunity to examine specific research issues, problems, or topics from a variety of perspectives and in relation to the common theme. A symposium must have a minimum of three and a maximum of six presenters. These limits are in addition to the chair. A submission for a symposium much be handed in by a group of three to six participants. Format for submission: a 1-page summary of the symposium and three to six symposium papers (each of max 8 pages) to be peer reviewed before the conference. Symposia papers can be submitted for the conference proceedings through the same review process as for Regular Papers (see below ‘How to contribute’). 
  1. Working Groups on topics relevant for a conference on Nordic Mathematics Education. The working groups will be allotted 90 minutes in parallel sessions. These sessions should be genuinely interactive dealing with one or more research questions the organizer(s) of the working group wish to discuss and work on with other participants in the conference. Format for submission: 2-page proposal to be peer reviewed.
  2. Short Communications to be presented in parallel sessions (20 minutes: 10 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion). This format is meant to present ongoing or tentative research. Format for submission: 1-page abstract to be peer reviewed.
  3. Poster Presentations to be presented in the poster session. The poster session is 1½ hour and the authors are expected to discuss their poster with participants during the session. This format is meant to present ongoing or tentative research. Format for submission: 1 page abstract to be peer reviewed. Screens for poster display in A1 format will be available.