NCUM seminar med Peter Liljedahl, Simon Fraser University Canada

De seneste to bøger af Peter Liljedahl, Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12 + og Modifying Your Thinking Classroom for Different Settings har tiltrukket sig betydelige opmærksomhed ikke blot inden for matematikdidaktisk forskning, men i høj grad også blandt matematiklærere i mange lande. Bøgerne repræsenterer et nybrud i forhold til praksis og den rolle som elevernes tænkning tillægges ved planlægning og gennemførsel af matematikundervisning.

I NCUM er vi derfor glade for, at vi har fået mulighed for at afholde et seminar med Peter Lilijedahl om bøgerne og den forskningsmæssige tilgang de repræsenterer. Vi håber på engageret deltagelse og ser frem til at byde velkommen til arrangementet.

Building Thinking Classrooms: A Story of Results-First Research

Mathematics classrooms have, for a long time, been bereft of student thinking. In this talk, I present a research project, which was designed to change this—to increase the amount of thinking students do in the mathematics classroom. I argue that the same results would not have been realized had I adhered to the theory-first methodologies that have dominate mathematics education research for the last few decades. And I argue that by taking a results-first approach to the research allowed for the emergence of practices that are radical departures from the institutionally normative practices that dominate mathematics classrooms around the world.

Tid og sted:

Tid: 30. marts 2022 kl. 13:00 til 15:00
Sted: DPU (Emdrup)


  • 13.00 - 13.45: Building Thinking Classrooms: A Story of Results-First Research, lecture by Peter Liljedahl
  • 13.45 - 14.00: Break with coffee/tea and cake
  • 14.00 - 15.00: A workshop and discussion led by Peter Liljedahl, where the participants will have the opportunity to model some exemplary activities.